Skin Diagnostics – A Balanced Perspective

Skin Diagnostics – A Balanced Perspective


In the ever evolving world of skincare, staying ahead with innovative solutions is crucial. Boots, a leading pharmacy chain, has recently launched a skin condition diagnostic app that promises to revolutionise how we approach skin health. Although this app offers some advantages in terms of ease and accessibility, it also comes with some drawbacks.

Our founder Rebecca explores both sides to give a balanced perspective on whether this is right for you and your skin concerns.


Quick and convenient. This first thing that does stand out about the app is its efficiency. Users can quickly assess their skin condition with convenience, great for those with busy schedules.

User-Friendly. Deigned with simplicity in mind, it is user friendly and easy to navigate.

Affordable. Cost can very often be a barrier to seeking professional advice. This is a cheap alternative to traditional dermatological consultations making it accessible to everyone.

Professional collaboration. A strong point is its partnership with medical professionals. This ensures the advice and guidance is based on medical knowledge and protocols.

Discreet and private. For many discussing their skin conditions can be an uncomfortable experience. The app offers a discreet way to seek advice, which can be beneficial for those that feel embarrassed about their skin issues.

The Drawbacks

A lack of comprehensive questioning. While the app provides quick assessments, it falls short of gathering detailed information about the users family history, diet, and lifestyle factors. These elements are all crucial in understanding and diagnosing skin conditions accurately, and this omission can lead to incomplete assessments that can be the key to treating a condition successfully.

A focus on medication. Another significant limitation is the app’s apparent focus on prescriptive medication as the primary treatment option. While medication can be effective, it’ not suitable for everyone and for all conditions. Not all individuals want to go down the medical route, by not offering a broader range of treatment suggestions the app may alienate users would would rather seek alternatives.


Here at re/skin our consultations last around 1 hour, this allows a comprehensive approach, taking into account all factors that can impact the skin. By spending this time with our clients at the beginning allows us to not only get to know our clients and how they feel about their skin, but to build a trusting relationship that really is the foundation of getting great results.

In the world of skincare, no single solution works for everyone, it’s not a one size fits all. We need the time to navigate the whole picture when it comes to skin health, this can’t be done with just a photo and a few generalised questions.

It’s about finding the right tools and resources that suit your individual needs, and yes, this app will be right for some people that are seeking a quick, convenient and affordable way to get professional advice. However, it is important to be aware of its limitations and seek other professional services when necessary, especially as the evidence for a holistic approach to skin health becomes more and more apparent in this fast paced industry.

As always, re/skin is here to support you in navigating these options to achieving the healthiest skin possible. If you would like to explore our options or book your skin health consultation then please either give the clinic a call on 0114 236 2393 or book online here.

How To Improve The Skin Around Your Eyes: My 3 Top Tips

How To Improve The Skin Around Your Eyes: My 3 Top Tips

How To Improve The Skin Around Your Eyes

Today I am talking about the area that is often a topic of conversation in the clinic and very often an area of concern for many people. 

The eye area. 

The skin around the eyes is noticeably thinner than the rest of the face. It’s delicate, refined and actually can be as thin as 0.5mm. It’s where we tend to have a lot of expressions, so when we smile, frown, and squint, we tend to create lines around this area. 

As we age, we obviously get that collagen breakdown, the quality of our collagen isn’t as good, and these lines eventually become lines of rest. 

As well as the rest of the face, the eye area is exposed to UV daily. 

The following are my top tips for treating and protecting this area:

1 Always Wear Sunscreen 

With many old sunscreens, you typically can’t apply them right up to the eye. However, more modern sunscreens make it possible for you to apply them over the eyelids to ensure that area is nicely protected. It’s also a great idea to wear sunglasses when possible, which will give you that extra protection. 

The sun is one of the main factors in ageing on the skin, so it’s essential to use sunscreen to prevent this ageing from occurring.

2 Use Products Specifically Formulated For This Area

Compared to the rest of the face, the region around the eyes has a highly distinctive skin type. As a result, the treatment of this region requires the use of distinct formulations and active ingredients in order to avoid causing any unwanted damage or discomfort. 

This means you need the invest in products which are suitable for the eyes, which will prevent the look of ageing from around the eyes.

3 Massage The Areas Around Your Eyes

This area, especially the under the eye, can be very immobile; therefore, we get a slower circulation here, which can cause a buildup of fluid and darkness under the eyes. 

Giving this area under the eyes a light, gentle massage every day is always advisable. Doing it in the morning can really wake those eyes up and help stimulate that circulation and lymphatic system, helping drain away any fluid that may build up in that area.

Conclusion: How To Improve The Skin Around Your Eyes

Following the three tips above, you can keep the skin around your eyes protected and looking its best. 

One last thing, we have an exciting new treatment launching next week. You will find all about it in next Friday’s email. 

We can specifically target this area as well as the neck, which is also very delicate. Myself and Kayleigh did our training on Wednesday this week, and immediately waking up the next day, my eyes looked better. They felt less hollow on the under-eye area and not as dark. 

I tend to be quite vascular under there, so can look darker or almost take on a blue tone. I always have to wear concealer in this area. 

Thursday morning, waking up, I just didn’t need quite as much. 

If you want more helpful information to improve the look of your skin, subscribe to our mailing list by clicking here.

If anyone is interested in this procedure, or any other type of procedure, contact us here