The Wellness Edit – The skin-gut connection

The Wellness Edit – The skin-gut connection


How Your Gut Health Shapes Your Skin
Did you know that your gut plays a powerful role in the health and appearance of your skin? Often referred to as your “second brain,” your gut is home to trillions of bacteria that impact digestion, immunity, and even your complexion. This is especially true for those with problematic skin, but the benefits of a healthy gut extend to everyone.

When your gut microbiome (the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut) is out of sync, it can lead to inflammation, breakouts, and dullness. But by nourishing your gut with probiotics, you can unlock a healthier, more radiant complexion.

The Skin-Gut Connection:
• Clearer Skin: A balanced gut reduces inflammation that can trigger breakouts or redness.
• Radiance Boost: Improved gut health enhances nutrient absorption, giving your skin the building blocks it needs to glow.
• Stronger Barrier: A healthy microbiome supports your skin’s natural defenses, helping it stay hydrated and resilient.
• Calmer Complexion: Probiotics soothe the gut-skin axis, reducing flare-ups in sensitive or reactive skin.
>Advanced Nutrition Programme: Probiotics for Your Skin and Gut
Our go-to solution for enhancing skin and gut health is the Advanced Nutrition Programme’s probiotic supplements, scientifically formulated to nurture the gut-skin connection from within.

Here’s what we recommend:
1. Skin Clear Biome: Ideal for problematic skin, this probiotic blend is specially designed to target congestion, oiliness, and breakouts. Its unique mix of bacteria, zinc, and antioxidants calms inflammation, regulates oil production, and promotes clearer, smoother skin.
2. Skin Youth Biome: Perfect for aging or stressed skin, this advanced formula supports collagen production, hydration, and elasticity. With beneficial bacteria and vitamin C, it reduces fine lines, boosts radiance, and helps you glow from the inside out.







NEW Skin Gut Biome Duo: The ultimate all-in-one solution for your skin and gut. This innovative duo pairs Skin Clear Biome and Skin Youth Biome. Offering targeted benefits for both problematic and aging skin, while delivering powerful gut health support. It’s a comprehensive, convenient approach to vibrant skin and overall wellness.







Take the First Step Toward Skin Confidence
Gut health directly impacts the skin, but by improving your gut health, you can achieve lasting results for your skin and body. These supplements are an effortless addition to your daily routine, and with consistent use, you’ll notice a calmer, clearer, and more radiant complexion.

Ready to Transform Your Skin From Within?
Discover the Advanced Nutrition Programme’s probiotics today and experience the benefits of true inside-out skincare.

Coming Soon: Our Next Wellness Edit
Stay tuned as we continue our wellness journey. In the next instalment, we’ll explore stress and its impact on skin health, plus share ways to manage stress for a calmer mind and glowing skin.

Here’s to healthy skin, happy guts, and radiant confidence! If you feel like your gut health is having an impact on your skin, book your skin consultation here and we can help.

The Wellness Edit – The Gut

The Wellness Edit – The Gut

How Your Gut Health Shapes Your Skin
Did you know that your gut plays a powerful role in the health and appearance of your skin? Often referred to as your “second brain,” your gut is home to trillions of bacteria that impact digestion, immunity, and even your complexion. This is especially true for those with problematic skin, but the benefits of a healthy gut extend to everyone.

When your gut microbiome (the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut) is out of sync, it can lead to inflammation, breakouts, and dullness. But by nourishing your gut with probiotics, you can unlock a healthier, more radiant complexion.
The Skin-Gut Connection:
• Clearer Skin: A balanced gut reduces inflammation that can trigger breakouts or redness.
• Radiance Boost: Improved gut health enhances nutrient absorption, giving your skin the building blocks it needs to glow.
• Stronger Barrier: A healthy microbiome supports your skin’s natural defenses, helping it stay hydrated and resilient.
• Calmer Complexion: Probiotics soothe the gut-skin axis, reducing flare-ups in sensitive or reactive skin.
Advanced Nutrition Programme: Probiotics for Your Skin and Gut
Our go-to solution for enhancing skin and gut health is the Advanced Nutrition Programme’s probiotic supplements, scientifically formulated to nurture the gut-skin connection from within.

Here’s what we recommend:
1. Skin Clear Biome: Ideal for problematic skin, this probiotic blend is specially designed to target congestion, oiliness, and breakouts. Its unique mix of bacteria, zinc, and antioxidants calms inflammation, regulates oil production, and promotes clearer, smoother skin.
2. Skin Youth Biome: Perfect for aging or stressed skin, this advanced formula supports collagen production, hydration, and elasticity. With beneficial bacteria and vitamin C, it reduces fine lines, boosts radiance, and helps you glow from the inside out.

3. NEW Skin Gut Biome Duo: The ultimate all-in-one solution for your skin and gut. This innovative duo pairs Skin Clear Biome and Skin Youth Biome, offering targeted benefits for both problematic and aging skin, while delivering powerful gut health support. It’s a comprehensive, convenient approach to vibrant skin and overall wellness.

Take the First Step Toward Skin Confidence
By improving your gut health, you can achieve lasting results for your skin and body. These supplements are an effortless addition to your daily routine, and with consistent use, you’ll notice a calmer, clearer, and more radiant complexion.

Ready to Transform Your Skin From Within?
Book a skin consultation here and discover how the Advanced Nutrition Programme’s probiotics can help your skin today, experience the benefits of true inside-out skincare.

Coming Soon: Our Next Wellness Edit
Stay tuned as we continue our wellness journey. In the next instalment, we’ll explore stress and its impact on skin health, plus share ways to manage stress for a calmer mind and glowing skin.

Here’s to healthy skin, happy guts, and radiant confidence!

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

The month of May is Skin Cancer and Melanoma Awareness Month, and as you can imagine this is always on our radar here at re/skin. Not only do we harp on about the effects of sun in regard to skin functioning and ageing but there is, as I am sure you are already aware a more serious risk to the skin from sun exposure.

85% of melanoma cases are caused by UV exposure.

If you have had a blistering sunburn or just five regular sunburns your risk more than doubles.

Our skin is a regenerating organ which means our skin cells continually reproduce, grow and divide, then shed to become house dust!

Sometimes our cell’s DNA become damaged, this is called a mutation. Because our cells reproduce by mitosis, where replica cells are formed, these mutations are passed onto the new cells that follow. This causes the mutations to spread and proliferate and can eventually lead to skin cancers.

UV rays are responsible for many of the mutations to skin cell DNA, so a good sun protection regime is vital to prevent this. Its important to protect your skin every single day throughout your life, and to avoid over exposure such as laying in the midday sun whilst on holiday or using sunbeds. In fact using a sunbed is 3 times more dangerous than sitting in the natural sun.

When using sun protection it Is important to look for a broad spectrum protection, meaning it filters both UVA and UVB rays. Some sunscreens will just contain UVB filters.

These days many sunscreens will also protect against blue light, this light is also detrimental to the skin and not just emitted by our devices, it comes from the sun too!

Here at re/skin clinic in Sheffield we know how hard it can be to find a sunscreen that you love, and yes, you need to love it or there will be days you just wont apply. That’s why we have over 20 options on our shelves! Do you need helping finding the perfect one??

Drop us an email and we can help you.

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

This month is Skin Cancer Awareness month and as much as we may wear our sunscreen to prevent our skin ageing there is an even more important reason to slap it on every day, UV radiation from either the sun or sunbeds is the main cause of skin cancers, and it is the 5th most common cancer in the UK. 

With 86% of melanoma skin cancer cases in the UK being preventable and the fact that this type of cancer is detectable with our own eyes should this really be the 5th most common cancer in the UK? 

Skin cancer can occur when the skin cells DNA is damaged beyond repair, usually by UV exposure, this triggers mutations that leads to an out of control growth of these abnormal cells. The main types of skin cancer are Merkel cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma, and Melanoma. 

The two main causes are Ultraviolet rays from either the sun or sunbeds, however there are other factors that can make us more susceptible to this type of cancer. 

Sun Exposure 

Too much sun exposure increases our chances of skin cancer, especially sunburn. In fact, having a blistering sunburn as a child can increase the risk of melanoma in adulthood by double! 

All skins should take care in the sun, even darker skin types. If the following applies to you extra care should be taken: 

  • Pale, white, light brown skin 
  • Have freckles, red hair, or fair hair 
  • Tendency to burn 
  • Have many moles 
  • Have a family history of skin cancer 
  • Live in a hot country 

This is not an exhaustive list, and every single person should take precautions to protect their skin daily. 


Not only accelerating skin ageing tenfold, sunbeds are artificial UV rays that directly damage your skin cells DNA. The earlier in your life you use sunbeds the greater the risk, and evidence shows people exposed to sunbeds before 25 are at a greater risk of developing skin cancer. 


Melanoma risk increases with age, in fact half of people diagnosed with skin cancer in the UK are age 65 and over. But please don’t have the attitude if you are under this that it may not develop as it is still the second most common cancer in adults under 50. 

Skin Type 

It may be obvious, but the group of people more at risk are people with fair skin, fair or red hair and those with freckles. These skin types burn very easily and therefore their skin’s DNA is easily damaged. However, if you are a darker skin type don’t be under any illusions that you don’t need to be cautious. Yes, darker skins are lower risk but that doesn’t mean that they won’t get it…look at Bob Marley. 


People with lots of moles or moles that are large (5mm+ diameter) are also higher risk. It’s important to keep a close eye on these moles and if any changes are noticed to get them checked immediately. 

Family history 

There is a small number of melanomas that are caused by inherited genes. If someone in your close family has a history of melanoma, then your risk of developing it can be increased.  

Reduced Immunity 

A weakened immune system can increase your risk of developing melanoma. HIV, AIDS, or medication that suppresses the immune system can make you a higher risk as the skins immunity system may struggle to repair or fight the damaging forces.  

As I said at the beginning of the blog, most skin cancers are preventable and early detection is the key. So protect your skin daily with a good broad spectrum sunscreen, do not use sunbeds, avoid sunburn, and check your moles or any other skin lesions that may appear.  

If you need help with your sun protection or keeping your skin in the best of health get in touch for a skin health consultation.